Looking After Your Coffee Maker

Why you should have your coffee machine serviced regularly…

At 7 Grams Coffee we believe that, just like your body and your car, your coffee machine needs to be looked after. Here’s an analogy. A person in their 40s, who has only ever been to the dentist a handful of times in her life – and most of those time was by coercion – complains of toothache; severe toothache. A few days later the pain is so bad she cannot eat. She gets to the dentist who takes one look at her mouth and says – ‘do you have health insurance? You’re going to need to replace most of your teeth.’

Although admittedly not as expensive and perhaps not as important as teeth – to most – your coffee machine needs regular attention, unless you can afford to replace it regularly. For most offices, this option is highly uneconomical. Office coffee machines are used frequently. Domestic coffee machines tend to need a little less attention, depending on their make and model of course. However, both domestic and office coffee machines should be serviced regularly and according to usage.

Put it this way – if root-canal treatment scares you, a broken down coffee machine and an office full of angry staff should scare you even more!! Book your office coffee machine or domestic coffee machine in for a coffee machine service today…

7 Grams Coffee recommends that office coffee machines be serviced every 6 months. Regular 6-monthly service of your office coffee machine will keep your staff happy because it will guarantee them of a working coffee machine in the workplace. There’s nothing worse than turning up to work and not being able to make coffee…well hardly anything worse…

Call us today if you can’t remember the last time your coffee machine was serviced because chances are a complete breakdown, blockage or leakage is just waiting around the corner.

P: 1300 733 210

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