Meet the Coffee Farmer

Next Impact Report


7 Grams Impact Report From June 15, 2024 - December 11, 2024

Home Gardens 90% Community Gardens 10% End users

Your ground coffee is being used to create healthy soil and grow nutritous food.

8,341 Lattes saved

That's a lot of lattes! All that ground coffee is a valuable resource for the community

820 kg Soft plastic diverted

High ve! We have prevented all your soft plastic from ending up in land or oceans

370 kg Emissions avoided

Together we have prevented harmful greenhouse gases from being released into the atmosphere

43 Trolleys of plastic saved

All of that soft plastic is being recycled and given a second life.

940.00 kg Coffee diverted

we have kept your ground coffee out of land ll.

Promoting sustainable practices for credibility in your business

We take pride in implementing sustainable practices throughout our operations.

As a corporate client, you will also receive our annual Sustainability Report.

Farm to bean

All our coffees are sourced from origins where sustainability, as well as the remuneration to the grower, is as fair and equitable as possibly can be. We are deeply involved in all matters pertaining to ensuring that we only source premium coffee beans from suppliers and organizations that have a proven and verified method of supporting and assisting the people that are at the beginning of the supply chain, namely the growers and their families. We supply fair trade as well as rain-forest alliance certified coffee beans to all our customers and our partners regularly visit the bean sources to ensure the quality and standard we demand is met.

Learn More About our coffee supplier

Bean to compost

We also have a ‘Coffee waste to compost’ program that we offer to all our customers. This is an easy way to integrate sustainability into the workplace. It involves a third-party company that fully meets sustainability standards. We employ them to regularly collect the pucks of ground coffee, which are easily stored in a designated bin. The pucks are ethically transported to a compost heap in a community garden. The partnership transpires into a win-win situation for all involved.
Beans Weekly Collection Frequency Volume Waste Monthly Subscription
20kg - 40kg Weekly 40-80kg $160
10kg-20kg Fortnightly 20-40kg $80
5kg-10kg Monthly 10-20kg $53
For More info REGROUND


We deliver our machines as well as our beans to ensure that we are as carbon light as we can be. We will research the most efficient way to meet these operational changes.


All our coffee bean packaging to recyclable and biodegradable bags that remain affordable as well. We are experimenting with the use of an aluminum material that has shown great results overseas.

Coffee machines

We are constantly on the lookout for the latest, most energy-efficient, and sustainable coffee machines available. Our staff regularly attends trade fairs and conferences to ensure their knowledge is as up to date as possible in this regard. Over the next twelve months, we hope to be operating with most of our customer base using energy-efficient coffee machines.

The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) is a trade association built on foundations of openness, inclusivity, and the power of shared knowledge. SCA’s purpose is to foster global coffee communities to support activities to make coffee a more sustainable, equitable, and thriving activity for the whole value chain. From coffee farmers to baristas and roasters, our membership spans the globe, encompassing every element of the coffee value chain. The SCA acts as a unifying force within the specialty coffee industry and works to make coffee better by raising standards worldwide through a collaborative and progressive approach. Dedicated to building an industry that is fair, sustainable, and nurturing for all, the SCA draws on years of insights and inspiration from the specialty coffee community.

Company reference:  ZC423291545

7 grams is a member of Sedex. Sedex is the name of the organization. The Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (Sedex) is a not-for-profit, membership organization that leads work with buyers and suppliers to deliver improvements in responsible and ethical business practices in global supply chains.