Colombian Coffee

Although no match for the staunch reputation of Brazilian coffee, Colombian coffee is up there with the world’s best quality-wise. It consists of exclusively Arabica coffee beans. It currently holds the third position in terms of coffee consumption figures on a global scale. It is said that Jesuit priests first introduced the coffee bean to the region. Since then Colombian coffee has become world renowned for its full-bodied, rich flavour.

Colombian coffee, like other high-quality coffees of various exotic regions of the world, is grown in optimal climates and perfect settings. Colombian coffee fields are found in high altitudes, in shady areas in order to protect the cherries from spoiling too soon. The climate is dry and the soil is rich in volcanic minerals. There are two main regions of Colombia that produce the majority of the country’s coffee – the Central MAM region (Medellin, Armenia, and Manizales) and the Eastern regions of Bogotá and Bucaramanga. Both regions produce strong blends, however the Eastern region is said to produce coffee of a slightly lighter, less acidic aroma. Whatever the case, Colombian coffee remains one of the world’s most sought-after cups.

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